Monday, October 01, 2007


How To Win With Supernatural Power

Want a leg up on life?

Then start using supernatural power. I am talking about using the power of belief that taps into the supernatural. Traditionally, this means accessing the power of faith through religion.

This means taking any of the World Religions-Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity as described by Huston Smith in his book, The World Religions, and applying the power of belief in terms of getting what you want in life.

How many people would be interested in getting an edge up on life? You know what I am talking about…like getting an “advantage” over your competitors. Relax, it’s not really cheating. Actually, it’s quite legit. Yeah, you could say it’s downright admirable. Just use supernatural power.

I am a Christian and all of my context comes from this source, Christianity. I am of the conviction that all world religions lead to the same destination. And, I believe, these religions can empower its believers to achieve their hearts desires with supernatural power.

We know the power of belief works wonders with peoples health.

Research scientist Dr. Louise Hawkley has been studying 200 Cook County residents for six years and believes people who have a strong relationship with God have more resilient nervous systems. They handle stress better and see significant health benefits.

"People who had this religious well-being, they had not had heart attacks," Hawkley said.

Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, Muslim, whatever the religious tradition, a growing body of research shows a strong connection between spirituality and health.

Prayer Power With Supernatural Power.

The use of prayer in promoting good health, long life and recovery from illness is not just a New Age fad, but very old ideas that are being rediscovered, medical experts say.

More and more doctors are coming to appreciate the role faith can play in medical matters, says a report in Reader's Digest magazine.

The publication cites a study by Dartmouth University researchers indicating that "deeply religious" heart patients are far less likely to die during surgery and a Yale University study showing that regular churchgoers' hospital stays are far fewer than those of individuals who never attend church.

Harvard Medical School's Dr. Herbert Benson says the facts are there. A relaxed state induced by prayer and meditation reduces the impact of stress hormones on the body and "lowers blood pressure and even slows brain waves, all without surgery."

Prayer seems to reassure patients they are not alone in their struggle, says Duke University's Dr. Harold Koenig. Such an attitude counteracts the psychological isolation that often undermines recovery for the seriously ill, he says.

The publication says a healthy respect for faith can also serve to remind doctors that their patient is a real person, not just a collection of symptoms and medical tests.

Apply belief power to any area of your life.

A couple of examples of supernatural power:

1. Want to knock them dead and move a mountain? “Truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17.20 - Christianity

2. You can do the same thing with Buddhism… “A monk who is skilled in concentration can cut the Himalayas in two.” Anguttara Nikaya 6.24

Use supernatural power for something down to earth!

Like getting a good job that pays lots of money. You can do it, you know. Maybe you would love to get a good job for someone you love or who needs help badly. I did it for my son. Just a couple months ago, prayed that my son would have some wonderful things happen to him.

Guess What? It did! Now he has a fabulous job and more money that he knows what to do with. I honestly couldn’t believe it.

I am walking proof!

Two years ago, I was being treated for colon cancer. The radiation they gave me, almost killed me. Here I am today, a picture of health. My Good Lord cut me some slack and dispatched the Grim Reaper.

I may have a few more dents in me, but I am happy to be alive and kicking. Sure I am cocky. I told my surgeon I was going to kick butt and live forever.

So try Belief Power. What is there to loose. Speaking from personal experience, you have an awful lot to gain.

Stand Great

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