Monday, September 03, 2007


Seismic Change, Are You Ready For It?

Seismic Change? Are you ready? Good, then let's kick it up!

That’s what I thought. Most people want to make positive changes in their lives. But, they want to do it slowly and gradually. Apparently it’s too painful to walk away from old routines, habits and friends-like frustration, anxiety, fatigue, anger, jealousy, and despair.

It’s better to deal with the old enemy you know then encounter someone or something brand new and different. Right? Here we go again…Nobody wants to leave their comfort zone! Who's ready for seismic change?

I mean, like most success strategies, are really self-defeating. No wonder so many people are frustrated and unhappy. Isn’t this how it works? You focus with your desired goal. Draw up a strategy and tactics to back it up. Then what happens? Well, usually, you work like crazy trying to materialize your desired outcome or reach your goal. Right? Isn’t this the way it works?

I can speak from personal experience. Yes, this is the way it works. Oh yeah, there are all kinds of nuances that you can put in play. You know, things like visualization and the Law of Attraction. But gee whiz, gosh almighty, most often this doesn’t work either. Right ?

Ok, are you ready for Seismic Change? Then, let’s kick it up! I have some wonderful successes in my life and also a bunch of failures. Wow! I mean those failures were really great “learning opportunities”.

Forget about the successes. Let’s talk about things that didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to. The most obvious thing that sticks in my mind is that I would get bogged down in the nitty-gritty of executing my strategy. You know, applying the various tactics. Dealing with the everyday brick and mortar stuff. Just hanging in there and slogging through.

The sixty four million dollar question is when do you bring things to a halt and change direction? Make seismic change? Huh? What’s that? Change direction. I didn’t say “give up”. Or “quit”. I said “change direction”. You know, re-evaluate, or reassess the situation.

Here is were most people make their mistake. It’s human nature, to want to “hang on” to the old stuff we know about and are familiar with. Here’s that “comfort zone” rearing its ugly head again.

Anyway, the point being here is…you gotta have the integrity and courage to break free of the old habits and ways of thinking that haven’t been working for you. Just like busting up an unworkable relationship. Right? Sometimes you really have no alternative. No matter how badly you want things to work out.

You have to come to the realization that things aren’t working and if you continue in the same direction and manner of doing things, well, you are simply kidding yourself.

The problem with this “insight” is that it takes a great amount of character and mature judgment inorder to know when to keep fishing or cut bait. And herein lies the secret and also the problem… “sometimes it pays to hang in there and push a forward a little longer and other times it’s simply a question of “fish or cut bait”.

Everyone has their limits for toleration of frustration and punishment. If you have given your project your best shot and you still have not realized your objective, well then, perhaps it’s time to make some Drastic Changes. I mean big time, earth shaking seismic changes. And no, it’s not itty-bitty inch by inch change. What it is…is big time, holy smoke changes.

Men and women at the top of any substantial venture in science, business, military, sports or what have you will tell you that oftentimes drastic change needs to be contemplated and acted upon.

Just look at the war in Iraq. Look at what’s happening over there right now. Super big time change is being acted out and contemplated both on the military and political side. For example, in some Iraqi provinces, Sunni militants who fought along side with the Al- Qaeda are now being nurtured and compensated by the U.S. Military . Subsequently, these Sunnis are now fighting with the U.S. against these Al-Qaeda groups. Desperate times require desperate measures.

Are you ready for seismic change? Then, let's kick it up! See the Rest of the Story

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