Thursday, August 23, 2007


Drink It Down, All Of It!

Are you ready to consume a super volatile high energy drink? Drink it down. It's a liquid that will drive you right straight to the stars and beyond? Maybe a drink of pure adrenalin. How about venturing into new Galaxies?

Good! Then you are my kind of person I am shooting for. Someone that will do “what it takes”. Like no pre-conditions!

Here’s what I am talking about.

If you are looking to turn the tide and make things happen big time for yourself, then, you are at the right place. In another words, if you have a stack of self-improvement books and cd’s in your room that keep telling you the “same old, same old”, then you are my man or women. Come on, drink it down!

Here are a few simple straight forward steps that will kick your career, love life, or whatever you are trying to change or improve into high gear.

I bet you wonder where I have been. Or, where have I been hiding my self? Forget about all of that, and just let’s concentrate on “right now”. Are you ready? Then let's drink it down.

Self-Imporvement mode?

First off, if you have been in the self-improvement mode for awhile, then, you need to get out of your rut. And, start thinking and looking at things differently. In another words, you need a new strong and dynamic Perspective, and “I can do it” perspective. A drink it down manner.

That’s right. What we are doing here is jumping right out in the middle of traffic and we are going to cross the street. Now! Right now. Forget about, what color the lights are or how heavy is the traffic flow. Just concentrate on getting to the other side of the street now. Let's go. Drink it down.

What's going on?

And as soon as we do that, you and I are going to jump in the river. No, forget about how deep it is or how cold it is. Just do it. Do it with me. Jump! Now that we are in it, lets take a deep breath and swim to the other side. Now that we are at the other side, let’s get out of the water, dry off, and then figure out WHAT’S GOING ON?

A short intermission

I give you a hint…here’s what is going on. Look at this as a short Intermission in your life. Nobody is going to know about this but you and I. Ok? Then, let's drink it down.

Now, let’s get down to brass tacks. If you want to be a take no prisoners, get down to it, kick butt, and make things happen kind of person, you need to get a grip, and envelope your self with a whole new Perspective.

A new perspective

You got it, start looking at life with dynamism and excitement. Why? Because you are shortly going to start getting some of that “good stuff” that life has so much of, for those folks that have “got over themselves” and have told Mr. Fear where to get off.

Here’s your new perspective

*Step # 1. Place yourself in a new environment. W-h-a-t? That’s right. Mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When you have completed this step, you will have also created and brand new comfort zone for yourself. One that is much bigger and better. At least for you it is. You may wish to get a new wardrobe which will make you feel better. A way of looking and acting that is more appropriate for the New You.

Be a risk taker

How so? Well, whether you know it or not, you are now a risk taker. Why is this good. Because, the more times you step up to the plate, the odds become more in your favor, that you are going to hit a home run or be successful.

The great thing about this ballgame is that it is the Ball Game Of Life, not just baseball. And, in the ballgame of life, people could care less how many times you miss the ball and strike. No body is counting…except you. The good news is you have gotten over yourself. You know you must keep swinging that bat in order to get a “hit”.

Get a grip

*Step #2. Get a grip and realize that all people are basically just like you. We all have the same wants, needs and fears. It is just a matter of degree and the way we go about meeting these needs that make us different. If anything else, this new perspective will give you new respect and interest in other people.

And, most rewardingly to you, people will respond to you in a very positive manner. Why? Because you will be genuine and authentic. Everybody likes these qualities in a person.

Goodbye Fear

The very devastating and inhibiting element of fear, will fly right out the window. No kidding. This perspective alone will free you up to make all kinds of wonderful and crazy new relationships with all kinds of people. Are you ready to "drink it down"?

Let’s face it. Your hopes, dreams and ambitions are too big for you to do it all alone.

(This series-Drink It All Down, All Of It-to be continued) Stand Great

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