Thursday, October 19, 2006


Align Your GoalsAlign Your Goals With Your Values And Become Powerful!

Are You Ready To become a powerful person?

Be sure you align your goals with your values. In another words, make sure your goals are in line with what is important to you. If you do this, you will become a powerful person.

On the other hand, if your goals are not consistent with your values, you are going to have trouble. Like internal conflict and lots of anxiety. Your accomplishments that are not value based, in the long run, will mean little or nothing to you.

If you don't align your goals with your values,you will be coming up short on energy and any lasting sense of accomplishment.

What values? Standards and conditions, generally speaking, that are in line with what you consider important and necessary for you to be happy and satisfied.

If your actions back up your values, then are going to be a dynamic powerhouse. Yes Sir. Yes Mam. No question about it. You will be outstanding. Almost like taking candy away from a baby. Yeah, that easy. Stand For Your Greatness

When you have it all together( align your goals with your values) there is no doubt about it….you are one tough customer to beat! Why? Well because, you are walking around without a bunch of hang-ups and conflicts. You have seen the type, people who appear to be going 10 different ways at once. They do nothing with conviction or clarity. That’s right. They are screwed up. All of the books on positive thinking won’t do them any good, until they get their act together. (Their values and goals need alignment and congruency) Tony Robbins book "Unlimited Power"


Stop Hurting Your Efforts For Success!

* All of the good intentions and efforts in the world won’t help you if you don’t stop hurting your efforts for success!

* What I am talking about is this-You can spend 100’s of dollars on books, cds and seminars on self-help products and it won’t do you any good. You might as well flush your money down the toilet. If, your subconscious has you pegged as a Loser. In another words none of that good stuff on those self-help materials is going to stick when you subconsciously think of yourself as someone who won’t or can’t succeed.

* The majority of people with inferiority complexes don’t know it. Oftentimes, they are the smartest hard working people in the world. But, they just don’t know they are their own worse enemies. Stop hurting your efforts for success.

* Usually, the culprit can be found in your childhood’s background. Normally, something said or done by a respected authority figure at a very young impressionable age is the cause of the problem. It may be a totally well meaning innocent remark made by a parent that can cause severe damage to the child. Which damages confidence, self esteem, and normal human development.

* The good news is it is never too late to turn around your life and go after the things you want and deserve. But first, you need to make a friend out of yourself. Get volumes of self esteem and confidence. Maxwell Maltz and Tony Hopkins can help you big time to stop hurting your efforts for success!

* I know there are millions of people out there, that what I just pointed out, applies to. What’s really ironic, it’s usually the smart, good looking and gifted ones that are screwed up. And, they don’t even know it. So, stop hurting your efforts for success. See Stand for Your

* In the simplest of terms, get your entire mind and being working for you, not against you. Maxwell Maltz

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


A Successful Home Business Means Making A Good Living For Your Family.

A Successful Home Business can’t be stopped! Why? Because the guy or gal running it has a winner's attitude. What is a winner's attitude? It's a frame of attitude of "I can do it". This makes things happen. Like more success, more money, more challenges, and more excitement.In another words, you really are making money at home.

Begin To Stand For Your Greatness
A Winner's Attitude is about people who Stand For Their Greatness... They know they are capable of achieving so much more.

It doesn’t take a genius to own a successful home business. But, you do need to be Inspired

It’s that INTANGIBLE thing called Spirit. What are we discussing here? I am talking about people of strong resolve and purpose. When things go badly..and they will, successful entrepreneurs and leaders increase their effort and determination.

This is one reason many sales people have a successful home business. They are used to getting dumped on all day. There playground is in the world of OBJECTIONS..”I don’t want this. No, I don’t want that.” Or, “Let me think about it.” Procrastination.

Stand For Your Greatness is not concerned with your technical skills. That hopefully you will pick up, if you don’t already have those skills.

The PROBLEM lies in your Resolve. Your Spirit.

Your capacity to take punishment and maintain an enthusiastic eye on your goal- The big picture! Running a Successful Home Business.

Men and women of great resolve get depressed, feel frustration, and pain like everybody. But, the difference being they don’t let themselves get derailed.

Or, if they are thrown off track, they quickly get back on with even more vigor determined to create a successful home business.

Don't Quit

None of this stuff is easy. Otherwise everybody would be SUCCESSFUL. You can’t quit. It’s too easy to become great at quiting. Every time you quit, it gets easier the next time.

Just do yourself a big favor. Don’t try to succeed in your business totally alone. Get help. That’s why it’s important to establish friendships, associations, and networks.

Ask For Help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.Help with Goals
Leave your comfort zone. Stretch, grow as a person, and be Committed to your success. Bring other people into your sphere of positive influence. Tell people about your dreams

Guess what? If you ask someone for advice and help they will love and respect you for it. The fact that you thought enough of them to ask for their advice will go along way.

No, people won’t think you are merely using them. Don’t think that way. You are asking nothing more then what you would do for them if the situation was reversed. Right?!

We’ve discussed the importance of having a Winner's Attitude. (strong spirit and resolve). And, the importance of seeking outside help. It goes quicker and faster that way.. A Successful Home Business. In many cases you will need to give special attention to mingling and socializing with other people and associations.

Starting a home business successfullySuccessful Environment means getting lots of encouragement and not getting down on yourself.


Control Your Ego and Get More!

You want more out of life? Then control your ego.

What am I talking about? I mean if you want to be a serious player in this life, learn to “get over yourself”. Control your ego. Quit waisting your time thinking about what you want the world to give you. Just concentrate on doing what you love doing. And, learn to do that thing well. Your very best. Bring it up to the quality and standard that you are capable of doing.

I’ll give you a couple perfect examples of what I am talking about. Take martial arts for an example. I am a 2nd Degree Black Belt (2nd Dan) in Tae Kwon Do. It took me seven years to get that ranking. During this period you have a Master and Instructors watching you and challenging you. If you don’t have a positive mind set, you can end up getting teed off at the entire program.

In order to avoid this, you need to control your ego and remember why you are there. Of course the obvious answer is, you are there to learn the art of Tae Kwon Do. This gives you sustaining power to pursue your objective. Tae Kwon Do is just one example. It can be anything which you are attempting to do. See Tony Robbins Awake The Giant Within

Learning to control your ego has many positive practical side effects. Remember, “The meek shall inherit the earth.”

Here is another example. Part of my weekly workout routine includes swimming laps at the indoor pool several times a week. Swimmers always have priority over walkers. (People swimming laps in the pool vs. people walking laps in the pool) Rather then kicking the “walker” out of the swim lane so I can swim, which creates antagonisms, I would just put off the swim for another day.

Finally I decided to play Mr. Nice Guy and ask the “walker” to share the “lane” with me.( The lanes are actually wide enough for two people to navigate nicely.) The walker is normally happy to share the lane with a swimmer. They know they could be kicked out of the lane, if the swimmer wants to be hard case. The end result of controlling my ego and being a nice guy is I get to swim more and I am not getting a lot of people mad at me. Yeah, the “walker” gets to keep on walking. It’s a win-win situation for everyone. Control your ego and get more!

Spiritual leaders confirm the wisdom of self-control. You can find historical references to the advisability of self-control both in Judeo-Christian and Confucian-Buddhism teachings. That is, words to the effect- There is more honor and glory controlling one-self than controlling an entire army. It goes back to what all of the World Masters have said-You have to give to get.

If you want to get more of life, you have to control your ego.Try Standing For Your Greatness

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