Tuesday, September 26, 2006


How Visualization Put Me On The Roadmap To Success!

Your Crash Course in Visualization-(TOP SECRET)

When I was selling real estate and really wanted to hit a home run(sell a whole bunch of houses) I would go into my "empowerment den" and.................. do Visualization.

*Hunker down in solitude, stretch out and relax, and turn on the "tv reality screen" in my mind.
The fun thing about Visualization is that You get to be the movie director and actor. Since my goal today is to make a lot of sales, that is exactly what I am putting up on my tv reality screen.

I want to put some intensity into this visualization movie. THERE I AM...In the middle of the sales office. There are a half dozen couples standing around my sales table. this table shows the site I am selling along with the model homes. My presentation is brief, focused and dynamic. Before I know it, there are people asking me when and where can they place a deposit. Bang! I ring them up and am off to the races.

"Good job, Jack, the sales manager cheers."

"Yeah, that's three more sales for the day!", replied I.

Get the gist? Maxwell MaltzKISS. Keep it simple. Just practice the basics-see yourself accomplishing your goal. Make it as real as possible. Don't worry about the details. That is, how is all of this going to happen? Your subconscious will make it happen. That's not your job!

Hold on, we are not finished! I would do this "visualization" exercise the night before I went to work. The next day, I'd jump into my car and make a quick trip to the office. During the drive, I would turn up the radio and look up to the sky, quickly visualizing all of those sales stacked on my desk and the dollar bills earned from those commissions! Oh yeah, how sweet it is.

I kid you not, as I was getting my office ready for today's traffic(people prospects) I noticed out my window, cars parking and people coming to my entrance door. Half of them were prospects coming to see me to purchase a home. I mean, like I pinched myself. I couldn't believe it.

Stuff like this, magic stuff, happened to me all the time when I visualized. KEEP IT SIMPLE. You do the same thing. It will happen to you, whatever you want.I almost forgot. I used visualization prior to my Tae Kwon Doe sparring matches. Prior to one Tournament, I visualized myself in a sparring match. My imaginary opponent had me against the wall and then I turned on super aggression with an onslought of kicks and punches.

It turned out, the actual match involved me an a senior instructor from another school. He had more skill and experience then I did;however, I had more aggression. The end result was a "Tied" match. We both recieved 1st Place trophies. Naturally, I was pleased with the outcome.

Please remember to keep your goals within your value system. If it's no good for you, you know what I mean, believe me, it will come back and bite you. I know, because I misused visualization, and I paid dearly for it.Try standing up for your greatness


How To Use Visualization To Get What You Want

* Do you want to start playing Big for goal success?

I mean going after your heart felt goal and dream. Most people don’t. Why? Most people think they are not “good enough.” Can you image that? Most people think they are not good enough-talented or worthy enough to have goal success. It is sad but true.

* You don’t need a lot of prelim work for effective visualization.

Because is a very powerful process, you should give thorough thought to what you want. You want to be sure “what you want” falls within the guidelines of your Value System. Otherwise, you will have conflict and unhappiness.

*Will your Center of Influence benefit from your goal success?

I mean will your loved ones and friends benefit? If not, believe me, it is not worth it. I know. I have used visualization for over 40 years. And, I have screwed up on several occasions. I have paid the price for some bad judgments.

*My experience with success and visualization.

I initially began using visualization when I first started out in my sales career. I was selling real estate in Chicago, Illinois. I was affiliated with a national homebuilder. There was pressure to sell and succeed. I experimented with various sales techniques and strategies. The more study and expertness I achieved in selling, the more intuitive I became about sales.

*Beginning visualization.

You can approach visualization from many different angles. My suggestion for you is to try various methods and experiment. Find out what works for you. You can find scores of books on the subject. Hit search engines. You will find some good stuff.

*My success.

I just imagined the end result I wanted. Selling houses like crazy. See in detail the desired reality. Hear sounds. See the people. Feel the emotions of a successful day of selling. The thrill, the excitement and the adrenalin. Throw in some “Power of the Subconscious Mind” from Joseph Murphy and Understanding from Maxwell Maltz’z “Psycho-Cybernetics”Maxwell Maltzand you have one heck of a money making system working for yourself.

Other salesmen and observers would walk away shaking their heads, wondering how I did it. How I could sell so much? Try Visualization. It works.For expert help

*The rest of my life.

I moved to Florida. Again I relied on visualization to aid me in selling. Different markets and different products, mostly condominiums. Using the same visual techniques resulted in dramatic sales action. You would think I was using Mojo or something.

*I had a dog named Davy.

Just recently, I got the shock of my life. My wife and I often talk about our beloved black Labrador dog, Davy. He has been dead for 10 years now. But, he is a missed part of the family. Anyway, the other morning, I was opening the front door of my house, getting ready to do my morning run. Guess what? A big beautiful black lab came running up to me at the door. Looked just like Davy. Heck, I don’t know where he came from. I couldn’t resist. I let him in the house. My wife saw him and screamed. She thought it was Davy coming back to visit us from the “other side”. Apparently, I was visualizing subconsciously.

No I couldn’t keep him. We live in a condo-no dogs.

*Flash-Visualization isn’t the only program that works.

Actually, anything that you believe will help you and work for you, could be a helpful aid towards your efforts of achieving your goals. As Drs. Murphy and Maltz indicate…it boils down to what you Believe. Belief is the Key to opening the power of your subconscious.

From my own experiences and study, I find this to be true. You can be the dumbest, clumsiest person alive. But, if you have belief in your self or a system or in what you are doing, look out! That person is going to achieve and make big things happen! An example:

For those of you who are religious, I suggest you use it because it works! That’s right. Belief, regardless of the type religion, performs miracles. the essential requirement is Belief. Several years ago, a book came out “Power of Belief”. This publication verified that people could perform incredible feats under the power and guidance of their professed religious faith. I don’t pretend to be an expert on world religions. I do know a little about Christianity. Jesus has told people that faith can move mountains.

*My personal observation of Faith in Action.

Many years ago, I was selling storm windows in Houston, Texas. For a brief period of time, I had the pleasure of working with a salesman who apparently was a born again Christian. Anyway, this guy was an incredible salesman. I went with him on a dozen appointments. We met all kinds of people and prospects . This guy sold every one of them! Not quite, he sold 11 out 12. One of the prospects had no real need. He kept himself in a positive calm mood. Listening on his car radio to spirited contemporary religious music.

While sitting there observing him selling these people, I saw nothing unusual or spectacular about the guy or his sales approach. He would ask them straight forward qualifying questions. then, he would explain the feature/benefits of the product. then he would ask for the order. And, they would give it to him.

is a very powerful process, you should give thorough thought to what you want. You want to be sure “what you want” falls within the guidelines of your Value System. Otherwise, you will have conflict and unhappiness.StandGreat

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