Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Be Your Own Spirit Warrior and Win Every Time!

ou can be your own Spirit Warrior!

Why not? What’s a Spirit Warrior? That is someone who looks out for himself on an emotional and spiritual level.

What do you mean by “ someone who looks out for himself”? He or she doesn’t let negative forces or feelings motivated by fear derail him from obtaining his goal.

A Spiritual Warrior knows that the only person that can stop him from realizing his potential is himself. That’s right. You have seen it and read about it…the Enemy from within. We all are, or can be, are own worst enemy/nightmare.

Why refer to “spiritual”? Spiritual in this context refers to things that border both the physical and non physical world. I mean it in a martial art sense. Not necessarily in a religious or theistic sense. Although both elements are never ruled out.

The spiritual warrior deals with all kinds of things. Magic, fantasy, known and unknown forms of Energy.

Most importantly, he embraces the positive notion that just about anything the mind of man can conceive he can achieve. Keep it simple is the slogan of the spiritual warrior. You want to know what mankind’s future is going to be like? Just look at the science fiction comic books. This street wisdom was true in the past and it holds water for the future. Don’t ask me why? That is just the way it is.

Symbolism is important in the Spirit Warrior’s world. It saves a lot of questions, enhances clarity, and keeps things simple. In another words, symbolism makes it easy for people to relate to, understand, and subsequently, take positive action.

Specifically, the spirit warrior faces and interacts with various symbols. Namely, the Intruder. The Intruder is virtually the other side of the coin. He is the constant nemesis of the Spirit Warrior.

For daily interaction, the Intruder takes on the form of a SHARK, a very deadly force of nature.(Like the Shark in the above picture) The Spirit Warrior normally, retains his human form.

Whereas the Spirit Warrior embraces the world of Lightness-faith, hope, achievement, courage, and optimism; the Intruder aligns himself with Darkness, fear, pessimism, anxiety, worry, and mistrust.

You cannot underestimate the Intruder. One reason for the Intruder’s potential threat, is the fact, that he has many “little helpers”. You guessed it. Some of his “little helpers” are, fear, worry, frustration, anxiety, despair and pessimism.

Spirit Warriors are very Action Orientated. They are always biting at the bit, eager to aggressively pursue their goals and realize positive outcomes. They are very straight forward and open people.

You can immediately relax, bond, and trust a Spirit Warrior. The Intruder, on the other hand, is a master of subterfuge and disguise. You never know where you stand with the Intruder, until, unfortunately, it is too late.

You can get some insight into the interactions between the Spirit Warrior and the Intruder by following the 21st Century Future World Series.

Practically speaking, when you are a Spirit Warrior, you take your future in your own hands. For example, let’s say you have taken on a challenge that is huge, in fact this challenge intimidates you. More appropriately speaking, it scares the heck out of you.

If you want to overcome this challenge and succeed, you need to immediately analyze this problem and break this challenge down into doable small parts.

Like how, you ask? Here’s an example-Let’s say you are training for a Triathlon. ( You know, a swim, bike and run race) Firstly, you realize you have to build up your endurance. You can’t compete, if you are struggling just to breath while you are racing. You need to focus on you techniques in the swim, bike and run events.

Now that you have positive benchmarks to focus on with pre-event projected times and distance, you can dispatch your enemies. The Enemy, the Intruder and his “little helpers”.

In this case, I visualize myself facing the Big White Shark, the Intruder, and his spool of “little helpers” following him. Namely, fear, second guessing, pessimism, worry, self-doubts and just about anything bad that you can think of…how about not being able to finish the race? You become the laughing stock of your community?! (gotch ya)

What do you do? That’s easy. Visualize yourself spear gunning the bad little suckers. Blast them into infinity.

Just stick to your work out schedule, do what your mentors/coaches tell you and anticipate the best outcome for yourself. Every time a negative threatening thought comes to you, just symbolize these bad thoughts; turn them into the Intruder and his “little helpers” and spear them, blast them and vaporize them.

Congratulations, you are one fine Tri-Athlete or whatever you are capable of Imagining! Most importantly, you are a true Spirit Warrior. Stand for Your Greatness


How To Be Cool and Get More Energy.

How to be cool and get more energy then you know what to do with.

That’s right. You’ll have more energy then you know what to do with. How? That’s simple. Just get out of the “judging” business. I am talking about the “people judging business”.

I did. And, believe me, it works. I have more energy now then I know what to do with. How did I do it? That’s simple. I just started “cutting people some slack”. And guess what?

Immediately, I mean like right now, I started experiencing surges of adrenalin pumping, butt kicking ENERGY! How come?

Well, the rationale behind it is simple. Most people that are judgmental about other people, are usually pretty tough on themselves. I know I was… “tough on myself”.

Unfortunately, what happens to the guy or gal who is in the judging business of other people, get the short end of the stick. He or she gets all of that negative emotion, like frustration, anger, tenseness, and high blood pressure.

Now that I cut people some slack, I am also giving myself slack. You got it. And that makes things a win-win situation all the way around! Yeah, to be honest, occasionally I slip back into my old bad habit, but I catch myself, and go back to the “new me”, be cool and get more energy.

It’s true. It’s the small stuff that kills you. I am talking about the small petty things that go on around the office or at home. It’s the same principle operating, rather it’s business or personal. Don’t kid yourself.

Once you make your mind up, that you are going to be Mr. Or Ms. or Mrs. Cool, no matter what, you have won! By “cool” I mean, you are the kind of person that doesn’t let every little thing or person upset you. Just be cool and take it all in stride.

Just keep your “perspective”. Just go to the “hospice”. Watch people die. Nobody, I mean nobody, on their last legs, is thinking about-how much money they have or how many promotions they earned!

You want some PERSPECTIVE? If you will allow me, I’ll give you some perspective. I just didn’t wake up one morning and decide I was going to “cut people some slack”. No way!

What I did do, is wake up one morning with a stomach ache like I never experienced before. Next thing I knew, I was lying in the emergency ward of the local hospital. The Docs were scratching their heads trying to figure out what was wrong with me.

Keeping this little tale short, they did exploratory surgery on me. I had an appendicitis! Next thing I know, my surgeon tells me, the lab report came back, and that the appendix had some cancer cells on it.

A month latter, a colonoscopy indicated I had cancer on the colon. After subsequent surgery, I began chemo and radiation treatment. Following four weeks of this treatment, I became sicker than a lost dog.

Too much radiation for yours truly. Back to the hospital I went. Here I had all kinds of fun with continuous nauseous, diarrhea, and pneumonia. After eighteen days of this bad stuff, I lost 25 lbs and was ready to go home.

My wife took one look at me and indicated I looked like I just escaped from a concentration camp. When I got home, I still had nausea and I was very shaky to say the least.

Slowly but surely, I regained my strength back. I now work out 1 ½ hours a day, 6 days a week. I feel almost as strong as I was before this cancer thing began. I wear a “yellow Armstrong-LiveStrong” wrist band, just too remind myself to “be strong”. LiveStrong

Having never been very sick before, I found this cancer experience to be very humbling. Yes, and I even realized my mortality. I used to joke around and tell people, I was going to buy a parrot, because I was going to live forever. My punishment would be, that I would be “lonely”. It figures, right? Everybody I knew would be dead.

Well, guess what? I found out the Grim Reaper isn’t so fussy? He will “take me” just like anybody else.

So now you know what helped give me my knew PERSPECTIVE on life. That is , hey Jack(that’s me) “Cut people some slack”. Isn’t this funny. By cutting slack to everyone else, I ended a big winner. Life is much better.

Don’t forget, if you want to get more energy, just cut people some slack.dStand for Your Greatness

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