Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Boldness Can Get You What You Want!

Boldness is beautiful, seductive, sexy, nurturing, and fun!

Oh Wow…Boldness can get me hurt, big time!

It can be dangerous
Yes, it can be dangerous to your health alright, but it can save you a lot of time. You want the good things in life? You want to change your life? How about the good things for your family?

Then start being bold. It’s the shortcut to health, wealth and happiness. It’s doing the unthinkable. Unthinkable for who? Why for you, silly. Just like the unthinkable is for me.

It can be a shortcut
It’s the only way I know how to short circuit the never ending chain of “getting out of your comfort zone”. Oh man, how I hate that worn out phrase, “comfort zone”. But it’s true. It’s like trying to break out of the bondage of Karma. I mean, it is never ending. Aren’t we getting deep?!

Hey, you want the whole enchilada of this article right here and now? Then you got it...You want to make big changes in your life right now? Then grab hold of this thought-Focus on your dream, decide what bold and audacious strategy you are going to use and then, apply the "Step Method" to it. You got it. Kick butt!

What's the Step Method? It's just the procedure of breaking down into smaller digestible steps the strategies for getting what you want. It's the same world famous method used in all Martial Arts. I go into this in detail during my "continued" 2nd Article on Boldness.

You think I am kidding. Maybe this is some kind of joke? This is no joke. Just think about it.

They are the survivors.
Just think how boldness holds sway in just about every human endeavor on earth.
People who are proponents of boldness are the "survivors" of the world. In most cases, they don’t even know they are bold.

“They don’t even know it?” That’s right. They don’t even think of themselves as being bold. Just ask them… “Me, bold? No way. I am doing just what comes naturally. You know, going with the flow.”

Here’s what this article is about, “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” -Johann Wolgang von Goethe.(1749-1832)

Here are a few examples of boldness in action:

Mohammed Ali-A very young Negro youth from Louisville, Kentucky in the early 1960’s came upon the American Heavyweight Prize Fighting World with the audacity and courage of a “Lion King”. Just out of nowhere, this young man had caught the attention of the world audience.

It didn’t matter if you had no interest in Prize Fighting. This guy grabbed your attention whether you liked it or not. You could see those television cameras a few feet away from his sweating face as he stepped out of the ring, claiming another victory over his opponent.

He didn’t stop there. No sir! He would look the camera, straight in the eye, and began reciting poetry, telling the world how great he was and what wonderful things he was going to do.

Incredulous you say! Yes this Heavyweight Champion to be, was right out of Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. He held the news reporters in the palm of his hand, as he foretold how he was going to demolish his next opponent. And he said it in poetic verse and cadence.

Mohammed Ali was not only the World’s Greatest Boxing Champion, he was also a world class entertainer. All of his major fights were sell outs, box office hits! Both men and women loved him. By the mid 1960’S Mohammed Ali held the World in the palm of his hand. And then guess what happened?

The United States got involved with the Vietnam War and Mohammed was drafted. So what does he do? He tells Uncle Sam, to go jump in the lake. He wasn’t going to fight in a war he didn’t believe in.

The long arm of the law, grabbed him, and threw him in prison. He could have avoided prison be “joining up”. But, Mohammed staid true to his convictions. “If you are going to talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk”.

I am an ex-Marine. I believe, giving your country a few years of your life is a honor and a duty. And for a long time, I was not an admirer of Mohammed Ali. But, I eventually did come around to him and enthusiastically joined his “corner”.

Why? Just look around at all of the weasels that evaded the Draft in the 60’s and 70’s. You can’t miss them. They ran or are running our country. I am talking about “connected” top flight politicians. The so called “patriots” who had “other priorities”.

No way! I am not a war nut. I believe war is an abomination of man. It is God awful destruction. I believe, if your convictions prevent you from serving militarily, then give your country a few years in some other service, like the Peace Corps, or some inner-city service.

Anyway, back to living with Boldness and Mohammed Ali. So guess what happened next? Mohammed gets out of jail and immediately renters the prize fighting world. Yeah, can you believe it? After lying in the prison system , just rotting and getting out of shape, he tells the world, he’s COMING BACK. Look out world!

The man comes back with a vengeance. He not only came back to one of the most brutal sports in the world, he does it with the flair of a true champion that won’t be denied. I mean, he took on some of the toughest opponents that existed in the Wide World of Boxing.

During his initial come back, he sustained some terrible beatings, but he went on to win one fight after another.

The man possessed the courage and heart of a Lion King. I then realized, his refusal to fight in Vietnam was not because of the lack of courage. He had other convictions that held him back.

That’s right, you said it, he really did have the Courage of his convictions. At least he did it like a man and didn’t pussy foot around and weasel out like so many of his peers his age did, during the 60’s.

Since we are talking about examples of being bold, what about man during his early evolution? Or, if you are a Creationist, how about when he got kicked out of the Garden of Eden? Different strokes for different folks. Right?

You don’t think it didn’t take big time courage to leave your familiar surroundings and start exploring and increasing your “dominion” over the earth? The need was there.

You had your loved ones and community depending on you. And, being the leader, you grasped the fact that you had no choice, other then, push out to the world of the unknown in order to find a secure sustenance for your family. Your survival was at stake.

Soon you found “pickings” were pretty good food and nourishment wise. Very quickly, being the survivor you were, you discovered there were very dangerous killers out there. Terrifying beasts on the prowl. Just waiting to devour wonderful succulent human beings. Hmmm…good!

“There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why…I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?” -Robert F. Kennedy

Don’t get me wrong. Stand for Your Greatness doesn’t entail operating on the World Stage and pounding your chest. You can commonly fine greatness in the most humblest of surroundings. This is actually where my heart and soul is at.

For example, how about the very hard working mom who is dedicated to her family. She works long hours and endures gut breaking fatigue. Does she hold pity parties for her lonesome and join the “why me dear God” club?

No she doesn’t. Rather then join in the “what’s in it for me” culture of today, she takes a different tack. What does she do? Well, for starters, she embraces “being bold” and all of that what comes with Living Large. What does that mean? It means thinking and doing the “unthinkable”. Like striving for the betterment of her family loved ones, her children and husband.

How does being bold affect her everyday life? For starters, she doesn’t whine and moan about how tough life is. Her loved ones know her as a caring, nurturing, and happy person. She is held with great love, respect and esteem by her children and husband.

Her kids know intrinsically, that she would move heaven and earth to make them happy. Oftentimes, she restrains from buying that “cute dress” because it might place a big dent in the household budget. Gee, this is admirable, but is she suffering because of it?

No way! Why? Because her husband and children, chip off the old block, aren’t stupid! They have observed and know what kind of great mom and spouse they have here. Mutual respect and appreciation permeates the household. In her mind and heart, she knows she is loved and valued. Mom is a Queen…life is good. (TO BE CONTINUED)What else does Stand for Your Greatness say?

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